Kindle Ninja Review: RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB Edition #8

Kindle Ninja Review Edition #8  featuring The Traveller and Bomber Boy


Farouk Muttab’s mission to blow up a commercial plane didn’t go as planned, which sets in motion a series of events that has dire consequences to his life, family, and the terrorist group he is connected with.

Farouk’s next step is surprising in that it’s uncharacteristic of a terrorist profile, much less of a suicide bomber. He does not quite fall under the category of a religious fanatic nor someone who was brainwashed to do the deed. Such ambiguity makes you question Farouk's real intention. This makes the character even more intriguing and open to different interpretations. Perhaps, it depicts the uncertainty and doubt that men and women in the same situation wrestle with. 

The story deals with the sensitive issue of terrorism and how easy it is to switch loyalties when innocent lives are threatened. But more than that, it depicts an internal struggle, the one that can drive you crazy when there is a thin line separating the right and wrong.  

Ike Pius is a member of Rave Reviews Book Club.



‘The Traveller’ is something that strays from that path of action-packed, plot-driven novels. It’s almost like an avant-garde writing that you either love or hate. It’s different in the sense that it reads like a long drawn out speech of a nameless man who despises his lady boss, up to the point that the hatred consumes him.

In the beginning, the man comes across as an unremarkable corporate slave, but as the story progresses, he inexplicably transforms into an arrogant, Narcissistic, invincible man who just couldn’t do no wrong.

It gets interesting when the real conflict finally surfaces and there was a bit of action. But that, too, dissipates and it’s back to lengthy monologue. The anti-climactic ending was a bit of letdown, but it triggers the change that the nameless character has been contemplating all along. 

Garrett Addison is a member of the Rave Reviews Book Club.

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