The Girl Who Had No Fear: Narco-Flavored Reading
The Girl Who Had No Fear is the fourth book in the series and arguably the most complex. It takes you from one point to the next not only in a geographical sense but also in emotional terms. There is a clear character progression for George McKenzie as she attempts to infiltrate a drug cartel in Mexico while she struggles to deal with the unprocessed emotions leftover from the previous three books.
And let’s talk about the new locations, the new seedy characters, and the seemingly outrageous situations introduced in the book. Of course, I’m not going to go to spoiler territory, but let me just say that there are moments in the book that could have very well been lifted from science fiction or steampunk trope. But as they say, truth is stranger than fiction.
Friend: That’s outrageous! That’s not believable at all, ninja. That could not happen in real life.
Me: Two words: Mauner Mahecha.
Friend: Say what?
Me: Go on, Google it!
Me: Told ya.
So, yes, many of the scenes described in the book are probably inspired by real-life events, only better. It’s like finding some Easter eggs hidden in plain sight. I’m not sure if I’m making sense here, but if you have even the slightest interest in the South American drug trade and how tons of cocaine are smuggled into the US (or anywhere else in the world), you’d appreciate this book a little bit more.
I also think that putting the spotlight on a supporting character named Elvis is a stroke of genius. It should win an award for best use of a minor character in a book (Dead Good, are you reading this?).
My favorite in the series is still The Girl Who Walked in the Shadows, but this one is bursting with energy and excitement. It’s like reading under the influence... ★★★★★ 5/5
*Review copy provided by publisher Avon through NetGalley.