The Kindle Ninja Blitzkrieg Reviews
First of all, welcome to my blog. I'm Kindle Ninja (@kindleninja on Twitter). I review books in Amazon and have reached an acceptable ranking to be considered a "helpful" reviewer. I support indie authors that's why I spend my time scouring the Kindle Store for up and coming authors. I'm usually hanging out at the Free and 99 cents department. When funds allow, I splurge and buy promising titles that are priced beyond my $9.99 limit (ninjas have limited funds, you know).
My reviews in this blog are short because most people on the internet have the attention span of Dory (about 5 seconds).
Here's the first batch of the books I've read in a 2-month period, with their corresponding Ninja Stars. Links to the Amazon product page are provided so you can download or buy if you fancy them.
1. A Myth To The Night by Cora Choi
4 / 5 ★★★★
Hugh Fogg returns as a phantom after being killed in a massacre in 1615. A young adult fantasy-paranormal hybrid that can sustain the interest of kids with its rich imagery and cleverly-crafted fictional world.

4 /5 ★★★★
Unconventional romance in a dystopian world. The idea of a human and cyborg love is not really the romantic tryst that could make you swoon, but you'd root for them to succeed (because no one roots for the bad guys)
3. Supernatural Hero by Eran Gadot
4 / 5 ★★★★
Dark themes of death and bullying have found their way in a children's book, depicting possible real life scenarios in schools or anywhere else that involved some big bad bully sucking the fun out of life. It shows how nerds can be superheroes. But you see, nerds already think they are superheroes (read: Sheldon Cooper, et al.)
4 / 5 ★★★★
A suspense-romance-chick lit hybrid involving the mob, the FBI, a gambling addict, and a pseudo caterer to save them all. It's hilarious without even trying. Snappy and funny dialogues make this a quick read.
I didn't know what a sitcom-style novella was until I read this. Hilarity ensues when you put a clueless main character together with a slutty friend and 2 other quirky roommates in Paris. Short book but plenty of laughs.