Episode 28: Conversations Over Milk & Cookies - Madeleine Holly-Rosing

Welcome to Episode 28 of Conversations over Milk & Cookies hosted by Kindle Ninja. 

Hi, Kindle Ninja here. You know, the ninja who occasionally stalks authors and invites them to Conversations over Milk & Cookies. 

What is this madness, you ask? It's my way of supporting  authors & publishers! We interact with them everyday, directly through tweets, or indirectly through re-tweets, but we don't really know much about them. Their personalities really don't shine through in 140 characters. 

Here, we'll see the funny side, silly side, dark side, and all other sides that these wonderful authors don't let show. 

Today, I'm having a conversation with Madeleine Holly-Rosing, writer and creator of the Boston Metaphysical Society Web Comic.

Madeleine is running a Kickstarter campaign to print the 6th and final chapter of Boston Metaphysical Society through November 6th. It's a great chance to get the complete mini-series and cool items!

Let's get to know Madeleine in more than 140 characters.

KINDLE NINJA: Welcome to Conversations over Milk and Cookies. How do you like your cookies? Chewy? Crunchy? Crumbly? Something else?

Madeleine: I’m a fan of chewy. J

Writers are very interesting (and sometimes quirky) people with strange rituals. What is your strange writing ritual?

I don’t think I do anything strange other than I have to accomplish something in regards to maintaining the house before I start. (Like, laundry, cleaning a bathroom,, etc.) Then I usually I have a cup of black or green tea with me when I sit down. I do like it quiet. No music. I think it’s because I don’t really want the world to intrude or have any distractions.

What’s Boston Metaphysical Society?

It is a six issue steampunk supernatural graphic novel mini-series. The story is about an ex-Pinkerton detective, his spirit photographer partner and a genius scientist who battle supernatural forces in late 1800’s Boston. Think “Steampunk X-Files.” The storyline also includes such notables as Bell, Edison, Tesla and Houdini. I’m the writer/creator. Emily Hu is the artist and Gloria Caeli is the colorist.

**image from BMS Kickstarter page

If Boston Metaphysical Society would be made into a movie, who do you want to play the main character/s?  

Nathan Fillion as Samuel; Scarlett Johansson as Caitlin and Don Cheadle as Granville.



Fantastic choices! How do you feel about doughnuts without holes

I vastly prefer donuts with holes. Mainly because donuts without holes usually contain jelly and/or custard, which I don’t like. Nor do I like raised glazed donuts. If I’m going to waste calories on a donut, I want a cake-like donut. Old Fashions with fudge frosting are a good choice.

What’s the comic book / graphic novel you wished you’d written?

Lock and Key. That’s fairly awesome.

What steampunk invention (or any literary invention) do you wish was real?

A uterine replicator.

Sci-Fi (or Steampunk) character you identify the most. 

Cordelia Naismith from Lois McMaster Bujold’s Vorkosigan series (scifi).

Book you’ve read because everyone has read it. 

The Hunger Games

What’s your favourite word?


Least favourite word.


What would you rather be doing now? (instead of answering these questions).  


What song would you be probably caught dancing to?

“Ain’t No Mountain High Enough,” By Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell.

What are the five objects we’d find on your desk (or writing space)

Cup of Tea, thesaurus, pens, legal pad, nail file.

Tell us about the Boston Metaphysical Society Kickstarter campaign.

I’m really excited about this Kickstarter as it is to fund the printing of the sixth and final chapter of the series! The whole team has done an outstanding job. We’ve got some fun reward packages. Everything from just the book, to tea and even BMS dirigible lapel pin! You can check it out HERE

**image from BMS Kickstarter page


 Underwater or Outerspace? Outerspace

 Puppies or Kittens? Puppies.

 Ninjas or  Steampunk Robots? Ninjas

Thanks for your time. Hope you enjoyed the milk and cookies. 

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