Episode 19 Conversations over Milk & Cookies - Tamie Dearen

Welcome to Episode 19 of Conversations over Milk & Cookies hosted by Kindle Ninja.

What is this madness, you ask? 

It's my way of supporting members of the RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB

We interact with them everyday, directly through tweets, or indirectly through re-tweets, but we don't really know much about them. Their personalities really don't shine through in 140 characters.

All the EPISODES of Conversations over Milk & Cookies can be found HERE.  Or you can just look to your right and you'll find the Quick Links.

In this episode, we feature AUTHOR TAMIE DEAREN (@TamieDearen) She's the author of 'ALORA' and 'The Best Girls' books.

She's a member of the RRBC Tweet Support Team (TST). Her re-tweeting power is LEGENDARY!

 Let's get to know Tamie in more than 140 characters, shall we?

KINDLE NINJA (KN):  Welcome to Conversations over Milk and Cookies. How do you like your cookies? Chewy? Crunchy? Crumbly? Something else? 
Chewy. Half-cooked, actually.

I’d assume I’m the person you’d want to drink Milk with, but who’s the person you’d want to have coffee with?
I am a hot tea drinker. But if I can’t have my tea with you, I would have it with my best friend of 25 years, Amy.

Writers are very interesting (and sometimes quirky) people with strange rituals. What is your strange writing ritual?
I can write any time, any place. I carry my computer in my purse in case I have a few spare moments. (I’ve even been known to take my computer into the bathroom, but don’t tell anyone.)

What would you consider as your 15 mins of fame?
I’m still waiting for my 15 minutes of fame. But I’m a ham, and I love performing. So I’ve spent time on stage, mostly singing and playing keyboard in a musical group.

How important is the choice of character names in your novel  (or any novel for that matter)
I think the character names are important. Once a character has found their name, they develop a personality and they speak to you. The characters write the story—I only have to listen to them.

If your novel “Alora” would be made into a movie, who do you want to play the main character/s? 

Alora would be Joey King, and Kaevin would be Jake Austin.
And who will direct the movie?
John Hancock. He’s directed quite a few great movies, and he went to high school with me in my hometown, Texas City.

How do you feel about doughnuts without holes?
Donuts must have holes. It is imperative!

What’s the book you wished you’d written? 
Leviathon by Scott Westerfield

What’s the book that positively shaped you?
The Bible

What would you rather be doing now? (instead of answering these questions).
Writing (By myself somewhere, on the beach, with no interruptions. No wait, I might not mind being interrupted by some really hot guy with a six-pack.)

KN: Shows you my ninja six-pack

What do you do to decompress?
Play piano

What bizarre food have you eaten?
I’ve eaten a lot of good food, but nothing I would call bizarre.

If you had a tattoo where would it be?
On the back of my neck. I could hide it with my hair if I wanted. And I wouldn’t want to put it on any part of my body that could someday grow larger and make the tattoo swell into some unrecognizable image.

What was the last song you heard?
Life’s Been Good, by Joe Walsh
Can you sing a line to me?
“My Maserati does one-eighty-five. I lost my license. Now I don’t drive.”

On a scale of 1 to 10, how excited are you about life right now?
10 There is so much stuff going on right now!

Nicholas Sparks or Dan Brown?  
Dan Brown

J.K. Rowling or Stephenie Meyer?  
J.K. Rowling

Ninjas or Dentists?
Did you ask that question because you knew I’m a dentist in my day job? Dentists, of course!

Thanks for your time. Hope you enjoyed the Q&A.

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