Episode 15 Conversations over Milk & Cookies - Danica Cornell

Welcome to Episode 15 of Conversations over Milk & Cookies hosted by Kindle Ninja.

What is this madness, you ask? 

It's my way of supporting authors and writers from the RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB

We interact with them everyday, directly through tweets, or indirectly through re-tweets, but we don't really know much about them. Their personalities really don't shine through in 140 characters.

All the EPISODES of Conversations over Milk & Cookies can be found HERE.  Or you can just look to your right and you'll find the Quick Links.

In this episode, we feature AUTHOR DANICA CORNELL (@DanicaCornell). She's Rave Reviews Book Club Board Member - PR / Marketing Director.

Let's get to know Danica in more than 140 characters, shall we?

KINDLE NINJA (KN):  Welcome to Conversations over Milk and Cookies. How do you like your cookies? Chewy? Crunchy? Crumbly? Something else?  

Chewy with a little bit of crunch…and more than a little chocolate!  (Smiles)

Has your adorable dog Hugo (or Henry) ever eaten your manuscript?   
Hugo is my real-life dog (a dachshund). He’s walked on some of my manuscript’s pages, but luckily he’s never actually ingested them—a good thing given his sensitive stomach!  Henry, on the other hand, is a dog character from my forthcoming DARK STAR sci-fi/fantasy series.  He’d probably like to eat my manuscript since he wants to be DARK STAR’s protagonist! 

What’s the HARDEST part of being the Rave Reviews Book Club PR / Marketing Director?
I can honestly say I love my position at Rave Reviews!  The members are amazing and I’m truly blessed to work with an awesome Governing Board.  Having said this, for me the most challenging aspect lies in balancing everything outside of Rave Reviews.  Some folks may not be aware that I own a nanotechnology start-up with my husband.  In addition, I have a home, family, and of course a book series that I’m currently penning.  This means I’ve had to get A LOT better at multitasking!  (Smiles).

How important is the choice of character names in your novel  (or any novel for that matter)? 
I personally believe character names are an important consideration for any author.  In my estimation, they add dimension to any character (and story). 

If your novel DARK STAR I: The Assassins would be made into a movie, who do you want to play the main character/s?  

Ohhh!  This is a fun question!  I think Angelina Jolie would rock as “Rachel” while Tom Cruise would undoubtedly portray “Jake” as I’ve seen him in my mind’s eye.  Both of these actors have successfully played flawed and complicated characters.  Each of them brings a depth of feeling and understanding about the human condition that I believe is second to none.     

How do you feel about doughnuts without holes?   
Um, the way I see it is there’s more yumminess without the holes!  Do you have some in chocolate?  Wait—what am I saying?  I know you do.  Break them out and nobody’ll get hurt.  (Smiles)  

What’s the book you wished you’d written?   
The one I’m currently writing.  No kidding!
What’s the book that positively shaped you?  
George Orwell’s, 1984.

I’d assume I’m the person you’d want to drink Milk with (since you agreed to this interview), but who’s the person you’d want to have coffee (or any beverage) with?
Hmmm.  I’d have to say a martini (shaken, not stirred) with the late Jim Morrison of The Doors.  Hey, you didn’t specify if they had to still be living!  (Smiles)  Seriously, in terms of how he viewed the world, Morrison was far ahead of his time.  As a science fiction writer, I find this intriguing.

What would you rather be doing now? (instead of answering these questions).  
Eating that chocolate doughnut.  Seriously, dude.  Where is it?  (Smiles)

KINDLE NINJA: I'm not at liberty to say...

What do you do to decompress?  
When the weather’s nasty, I hit the treadmill while listening to something with a really fast beat.  In the summer, I head off to one of New York’s gorgeous swimming holes.  Not sayin’ which one.  (Smiles)

If you had a tattoo where would it be?
If I told you, you’d blush.

KINDLE NINJA: You haven’t told me and I’m already blushing. LOL

Do you have a favorite bedtime drink? 
Milk, of course!

What was the last song you heard?
“I’m In You” by Peter Frampton.     

Can you sing a line to me? 
Yeah, like THAT’S going to happen.  (Smiles)

Which actress would you like to play YOU in the movie version of your life? 
Sandra Bullock.

And who will direct the movie? 
John Lee Hancock.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how excited are you about life right now? 
Off-the-charts.  Probably a 15.

Celebrity / Author / Famous Person you’d take to another planet should Earth  become extinct.

Without a doubt, Bill Clinton.    

And what planet? 
Victeria, from my DARK STAR Series.
Star Wars or Star Trek? 
Need you ask?  Obviously, Star Wars. 

Nicholas Sparks or Dan Brown? 
J.K. Rowling or Stephenie Meyer? 

Ninjas or Aliens? 
Um, I know you’re Kindle Ninja…but I’m going to be brave and answer this truthfully:  ALIENS.  (Gulp!)  Gotta run…thanks for having me!  Can you toss me that doughnut?  A girl needs her energy when running from a Ninja!


Thanks for your time. Hope you enjoyed the Q&A. 
Thank YOU.  This was a BLAST!  :)

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