Episode 6: Conversations over Milk & Cookies - Bruce A. Borders

Welcome to Episode 6 of Conversations over Milk & Cookies hosted by Kindle Ninja.

What is this madness, you ask? 

It's my way of supporting authors and writers from the RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB. For the entire month of April, I will be featuring the fine women and men that make up the Board of RRBC. 

We interact with them everyday, directly through tweets, or indirectly through re-tweets, but we don't really know much about them. Their personalities really don't shine through in tweets and re-tweets.

In Episode 1, We see the silly side of RRBC Secretary MARLENA HAND (@mlh42812). 

In Episode 2, RRBC Spotlight and Incentives Coordinator TERI GARRINGER (@TeriGarringer) bares her funny side in 26 Questions.

In Episode 3, RRBC Membership Director KATHRYN TREAT (@KathrynCTreat) lets her hair down and plays the game of 24 Questions.

In Episode 4, RRBC Hospitality Director LEISL KABERRY (@Lawfabex) takes a 10-min break from writing to answer strange questions.

In Episode 5, RRBC Reviews Co-ordinator BEEM WEEKS (@BeemWeeks) takes a break from Googling himself to answer 26 Questions.

For Episode 6, RRBC Vice-President & Mentor Program Director BRUCE A. BORDERS (@BruceABorders) kicks off his boots to answer manly questions.

You can drop by his website.

Let's get to know Bruce in more than 140 characters, shall we?

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+No ninjas were hurt in making this episode.

KINDLE NINJA (KN):  Welcome to Conversations over Milk and Cookies. How do you like your cookies? Chewy? Crunchy? Crumbly? Something else?
Chewy! And not quite cooked all the way!

Do you think dunking Oreos in a glass of milk is manly?
It could be manly, just not for me. I prefer gooey cookies.

That’s some fine-looking cowboy hat you’re wearing. Does it have a name? 
No name other than “My Hat.” I’ve worn a hat since I was a kid and now don’t feel fully dressed without it.

What’s the hardest part of being the Rave Reviews Book Club Reviews Vice-President & Mentor Program Director?
The job itself isn’t really hard, but finding time is a bit challenging. Being a truck driver, an author, a husband, dad, and grandpa, I seem to run out of time quite frequently. Sometimes I feel like I’m not really contributing a lot compared to what the other board members are doing. They are all so energetic! Keeping up with them is probably the most difficult part.

If your novel “Over My Dead Body” is made into a movie, who do you want to play the main characters?
Hmm. Hadn’t really thought about that. Maybe Bruce Willis and Reese Witherspoon.

And who will direct it?
Think I’ll go with Clint Eastwood.

I hear you enjoy country music. If your life were a song, what would the title be?
I’m Just A Country Boy by Don Williams. It’s an old song that no one these days has heard of, I’m sure.

And who would you sing it with?
Anyone who offered!

Have you Googled yourself lately?
Not lately. I used to Google myself every few days. There is a former representative, who is also an Elvis impersonator, with the same name, Bruce A. Borders. I had this goal, an obsession really, of beating him. The last I checked, if I included my middle initial, I had all the results on the first 3 or 4 pages. Without the middle initial, he is still around! But I’m working on that!

Kindle Ninja: Glad my name is not Bruce Borders.

What would you rather be doing now? (instead of answering these questions).
Actually, the questions aren’t that bad! But if I had to pick, I suppose I would rather be writing.

I’d assume I’m the person you’d want to drink Milk with (since you agreed to this interview), but who’s the person you’d want to have coffee with?
Johnny Cash, but since the man is dead, I fear that’s impossible.

How do you like your coffee?
Black or with a small amount of sugar.

 How do you feel about doughnuts without holes?
Doughnuts without holes? That’s just wrong! I’m not sure they should even be called doughnuts! Maybe we need to come up with a new name.

What’s the best way to decompress?
This will seem like an oxymoron, but the best way for me to decompress is by working. I just work on something different. But doing nothing—relaxing, or resting as most people call it—is extremely agitating for me. I end up being more anxious and frustrated than before, so I have to stay busy.

If you had superpowers, what would it be?
Flying, if I had the choice.

What’s the book you wished you’d written?
The Destroyer Series.

Celebrity you want to have dinner with?
Well, I’m not really big on celebrities and schmoozing but I suppose Sarah Shahi, the actress who plays Shaw on Person Of Interest.
And what would you eat?

 What’s the book that positively shaped you?
The Bible.

 On a scale of 1 to 10, how excited are you about life right now?
10, I don’t have any immediate plans to die.

Steak or Pork Chop?
Steak, pork chops are okay if no steak is available.

Nicholas Sparks or Dan Brown?
Nicholas Sparks

J.K. Rowling or Stephenie Meyer?
Neither, I’m more of a realistic person.

Lastly:  Ninjas or Cowboys?
Well, being that I was raised in the West, grew up on a ranch, drive truck, and listen to country music, I normally would choose Cowboys. But considering who is asking, I’ll make a one-time exception and go with Ninjas.

 Thanks for your time. Hope you enjoyed the Q&A.

Thanks! This was fun!

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